Please read terms and conditions carefully, and send a query to the Edit Bae. 

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Terms + Conditions


From reviewing your project, I will decide whether you would benefit more from an agent’s services or from editorial guidance. If your project is polished and professional enough to be a candidate for publication, I will not offer you consulting services or take payment. I will instead give you advice for approaching agents or publishers at no cost.


Once you submit your work, we will discuss your needs, my fee, and a proposed turnaround time and a Standard Client Agreement will be issued. Once the signature page, physically or electronically, is received, as well as a deposit for half of the editing fee, work will begin. The second half of the fee is due upon receipt of the edit or consultation.


All submissions must be formatted with standard margins, double-spaced, with 12 point Times New Roman font, and sent as a Microsoft Word .doc or .docx attachments.

For all consulting and editorial work, feedback is done electronically. Notes are provided in a Microsoft Word document using the Track Changes feature. Please make sure you can transmit and receive files electronically and are capable of reading Track Changes comments in Microsoft Word or an equivalent program. 

If you would prefer to receive a printed version of your feedback, I can print and mail the document to you. You will be responsible for postage/shipping costs. Email questions about the feedback and related topics are welcome at no additional charge and is included with every service. The email exchange will continue until you are satisfied. If you would prefer a phone consult to discuss your edit, this too can be arranged at an additional cost of $50 per call.


You are welcome to submit revisions of your work after you’ve applied my feedback. However, this is treated as a separate editing project and requires time invested in doing another round of notes. With submissions of a revised manuscript, I charge half of the original editing fee for revision reads. Query revision reads are an exception. If you'd like for me to read your query again, I will charge $150 for the initial edit, $75 for the subsequent read, and then $49 for every read thereafter.


Once we agree to work together, I will provide you with an accurate deadline. The average wait between first contact and receipt of feedback is three to six weeks.


I reward returning clients with a 15% discount on new projects. If you’ve hired me for an entry-level service, such as a Query Consultation or a Submission Package Edit, those fees that you've already paid will apply toward a Full Manuscript Edit for the same project. In fact, most of my packages can be customized to fit your needs. The bigger the editing project, the less you pay per word or manuscript.


Refunds cannot be offered after work on your project has begun. The only exception is if I have not yet started the consultation or editing process. Under those circumstances, only, I will happily refund your deposit within one week of receiving your written request. Otherwise, no refunds under any circumstances. If you elect not to pay the second half of the editing fee after the feedback has been submitted, official channels will be pursued to recover payment. This policy is non-negotiable.


No contact information or content of your work will be shared. I will NEVER sell, trade, rent, or abuse your information in any way. You will be added to my business database for existing or previous clients for marketing communications. You can opt-out at any time.

If you are worried about copyright infringement or theft of your ideas, perhaps working with an independent editor or consultant is not right for you at this time. Your work will never be shared, exposed, disclosed or otherwise used – in any fashion, public or private – without your written permission. 


I reserve the right to decline the chance to work on a manuscript if I don’t feel it is a good fit for me. This is a decision that I will make before engaging in a consulting or editorial relationship with you.

Now that you’ve read and understood my Terms and Conditions, feel free to send me a query!